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These events have been organized with care by:
Alex Hennings (tech)
Hannah Chamberlain (booking)
Judy Hilton (misc)
Josh Saklad (volunteers)


Creating inclusive, sustainable, high-quality contra (and other) dancing.

Inclusive: We want everyone to feel welcome and safe. Promote a culture of consent. Affirm that gender and dance roles are not strongly coupled. Cost to attend should not be a barrier. Address unsafe or unwanted behavior.

Sustainable: Performers should be paid well. Organizers shouldn’t get burned out. Foster new callers, musicians, sound techs, and dancers. The dancing should continue.

High Quality: The performers should be excellent. Events should be conducive to dancers' growth.


In 2023, we built an emergency fund and repaid the remainder of our 2022 insurance bill. We employed 41 different performers, paid on average $157 per night. Organizers were not paid, except when they were performers.

Our expected expenses in 2024 include $675 for insurance and $240 in taxes. With lower expenses and the affordability of Temple Beth El, we hope to direct over 2/3rds of door-money directly to performers. We don’t plan to add to our emergency fund except to maintain current levels. The emergency fund covers costs for canceled dances and maintains performer pay for low attendance.